What Can I Do if My Ex Denies Visitation?

For exes with children, matters related to custody can get a little ugly if there is any remaining hostility between former spouses. If your ex is trying to deny you visitation, however, this is not a matter family courts handle lightly. Thankfully, you have options that will help ensure your parental rights are protected.

What You Can Do Next

Maintaining a relationship with your children will be challenging enough in the aftermath of your divorce, so if your former spouse is making it even more difficult by denying you visitation, you need to take legal action to protect your rights.

Make sure you start documenting missed visitation dates, including all forms of correspondence with your co-parent, such as texts or emails. Thorough documentation will serve as crucial evidence in your case and play an important role in ensuring your child custody order is enforced. You will also need to hire an experienced child custody attorney to help you navigate the process of filing a motion to enforce.

During this time, it is important to keep in mind that you must not stop paying child support. Denial of visitation time with your children is not an excuse to neglect your obligation to them. Moreover, your accusations of contempt against your co-parent may get tossed back at you and you may even face fines and time in jail for refusing to make your child support payments. Whatever you do, however, you must not take matters into your own hands. You may feel like you are owed extra time with the children, but if you try to handle this by taking them away, it could be considered parental kidnapping.

Schedule a Case Review with an Experienced Family Law Attorney to Discuss Your Case!

If your ex is denying you time with your children, it is essential to hire skilled legal guidance as soon as possible. At Kay Polk, Attorney at Law, our family law attorney is dedicated to guiding families through sensitive legal matters. You can rely on us to protect your rights as a parent and ensure your child custody order is enforced. We understand how important your relationship with your children is and will do everything necessary to ensure it is not jeopardized.

Reach out to our law office today at (713) 234-6260 to set up a case review with our child custody attorney to learn more about your legal options and how we can help you.
