How Long Does it Take to Get Divorced?

If you recently decided to get divorced, you probably cannot wait for the process to be over, so you can move on with your life. However, even if both of you agree to get divorced, getting from point A to point B can be much more complicated and time-consuming than you may think.

That said, no two cases are alike. A simpler divorce that involves fewer assets and no children can take a lot less time to resolve than a case that involves substantial assets, children, and spouses with a high-conflict attitude.

Getting Divorced in Texas

In Texas, there is a 60-day waiting period requirement between filing and finalizing a divorce.

Here are some of the factors that can potentially lengthen the divorce process:

  • The divorce is contested rather than uncontested
  • The issues that are contested are complicated
  • The court in which your divorce is taking place
  • How reasonable (or unreasonable) you or your spouse is
  • If you are both willing to partake in mediation or a collaborative divorce
  • You have substantial assets
  • You have children
  • Your spouse’s attorney

If you are going through an uncontested divorce, your divorce can potentially be finalized after the 60-day waiting period. Unfortunately, many courts have full dockets, which can interfere with your divorce plans, and extend it beyond the 61st day. Moreover, it is still crucial to hire an attorney to ensure you fully understand the terms of your divorce and did not agree to something that may be against your best interests.

Realistically, although it is technically possible to dissolve your marriage after two months, it takes longer for most couples, even under the most amicable circumstances. In Texas, the average divorce usually takes anywhere from 6 months to a year to achieve a resolution.

Speak to a Knowledgeable Divorce Attorney About Your Case Today!

If you are planning to dissolve your marriage, the family lawyer at Kay Polk, Attorney at Law can provide the skilled legal guidance you need to navigate even the most contentious process. Since 2000, we have been helping clients get through some of the most sensitive legal matters with successful results. You can feel confident in our ability to obtain the best possible outcome for your case.

Reach out to our law office today at (713) 234-6260 to schedule a consultation with our experienced attorney to get started!
